Genital Skin Conditions Treatment
As with anywhere on the body, a range of conditions can affect skin in the genital area.
This is actually very common and the team at The Dermatology Clinic regularly treat patients experiencing genital skin problems, and we understand the impact these can have on personal wellbeing and relationships, as well as being uncomfortable to live with.
Get in touch today to find out how we can help.

While some conditions are directly associated with the genital area, other skin condition that can occur anywhere on the body – such as eczema and lichen planus – may also affect the genitals. Find more information below on genital skin conditions and the treatments available at the Dermatology Clinic.
About genital skin conditions
Genital skin conditions can manifest themselves in many ways, such as inflammation, soreness, redness and ulceration. Often, conditions of this nature are misdiagnosed as thrush, which is why it’s important to visit a qualified dermatologist for an accurate diagnosis.
Conditions we see and regularly treat:
- Warts and herpes
- Fungal infections
- Lichen planus and erosive lichen planus (this can cause ulcers and a burning sensation)
- Lichen sclerosus (an inflammatory condition that causes white patches on the skin)
- Psoriasis
- Eczema
- Hidradenitis (a disorder that causes scarring and abscesses on the skin)
- Zoon’s disease (an inflammatory disorder affecting men)
- Angiokeratomas (a lesion of capillaries that results in small marks that are red or blue in colour)
- Vulvodynia (persistent pain in the vulva)
- Cysts
- Behçet’s Disease (a rare condition that causes inflammation of the blood vessels and tissues)
Treating genital skin conditions
Many people feel embarrassed when they have a genital skin condition and for this reason decide against getting help. But if you don’t see a professional dermatologist, you’ll miss out on effective treatments and your symptoms could get worse. Our team of professionals understand that you might feel nervous, but we are here to help you and ensure your condition improves as quickly as possible.
In most cases, one of our expert consultants will prescribe topical treatments for genital skin conditions. These include:
Soap substitutes – this is because soap can dry out the skin and cause it to feel irritated
Paraffin-based moisturisers – these help to soothe the skin and prevent further irritation
A combination of anti-inflammatory creams – these vary in strength depending on your condition and we may also prescribe anti-fungal medication or topical antibiotics alongside these creams to control inflammation or infection
If you are concerned about a genital skin condition, please arrange an appointment with one of our male or female consultant dermatologists.