Rosacea Skin Treatment
Rosacea is a long-term skin condition most commonly associated with facial redness – although it’s far more complex than many people realise and can have a significant psychological and social impact.
Seeking treatment for rosacea early can make a big difference; get in touch today to find out how the team at The Dermatology Clinic can help.

Far more than just a bit of redness, rosacea tends to start with flare-ups or ‘episodes’ of facial flushing that can become quite severe, and include other symptoms such as a burning sensation, small bumpy spots and visible blood vessels. Find more information below on the condition, and treatments for rosacea available at The Dermatology Clinic London.
About rosacea
This chronic skin condition causes reddening and flushing of the skin on the face and can also cause irritating spots. Although anyone can be affected, rosacea is most likely to affect women between the ages of 30 and 50. Those with pale skin are also more susceptible to developing rosacea.
Rosacea occurs when small blood vessels in the skin become enlarged. This causes the following symptoms:
- Blushing easily
- Reddening of the face
- An increase in visible blood vessels on the face
- Spots that might look similar to acne
- A red or swollen nose
In some more severe cases of rosacea, you might experience a stinging or burning feeling in your face and your eyes might become bloodshot, watery and irritated.
Rosacea treatment
These symptoms can result in physical and emotional distress, which is why our dermatologists feel it’s important to help you. At The Dermatology Clinic, we provide a selection of treatments that can often be combined to combat rosacea successfully.
Topical or oral antibiotics for rosacea
Symptoms of rosacea can be controlled using antibiotics. Our consultant dermatologists may suggest that you take oral antibiotics as well as applying a topical cream to the affected area. The cream will soothe soreness and the tablets have anti-inflammatory effects to reduce any redness and swelling.
Further advice
Laser treatment for rosacea can sometimes be used to help reduce the redness component of rosacea. It’s also important to use facial products that don’t make the situation worse. Our dermatologists will also give you advice to help you manage your symptoms on an ongoing basis so your rosacea doesn’t rule your life and destroy your confidence. We can also provide guidance to ensure future outbreaks are avoided.